Francis Collins on Laudato si’

Templeton Prize recipient this year speaks on the ecological vision of the Papal Encyclica LS. 

Dr Collins has commented recently this important Prize, partaking moreover the vision of Pope Francis on ecology and enviroment. Laudato si’ doesn’t forget the importance of science and the roads to faith:

“Creator who has incredible intelligence, who's a pretty good physicist and a mathematician, but who also has left all kinds of signposts that the Creator is interested in us and getting to know us” (Interview with Vatican News)

And a very interesting explanation on the existence of God that he wrote in his book The Language of God:

“Is there any question more important for us to address as we are given this brief blink-of-an-eye to live on this planet than this one? Is there a God and does that God care about me? I avoided that question for my first quarter century. It made me uncomfortable. I didn't have anything really to lean on to know where I might find answers and I thought maybe there just weren't going to be any…so better spend my time on something else. Then my eyes got opened to the fact that there are serious ways to explore that and they lead you into interesting insights about yourself and about God. It’s ultimately the most important exploration I've ever done. I've searched the human genome. I've had the chance to work on cancer and sickle cell disease and heart disease and a whole variety of other conditions. But the most important significant exploration I ever did was trying to find out for me – is there a God it does He care about me? And the answer is yes. And I would encourage anybody … who hasn't taken the time to do so the start down that path. Maybe start with the Book of John in the Bible. If you need a more contemporary view of exactly how people who believe in science and can also see faith is important check out the Biologos website or maybe, modestly, have a look at my book The Language of God to see how I traveled that path and see if it makes to you.”

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